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最近很多人都在咨询托福tpo44口语为自己的语言成绩做准备,我也为大家整理了一些资料供大家参考【托福写作批改】(12)TPO44托福综合写作,托福TPO5口语的第五题,托福TPO包括口语么?,托福TPO口语文本,托福口语 TPO44 参考答案,托福口语 TPO54 参考答案,求托福TPO口语里听力的全套音频!,这份托福口语独家语料库帮我考到115分??


教书匠阿伦:TOEFL写作/SAT写作批改服务说明TPO44 综合写作Both the reading and the lecture material discuss about whether a European silver coin at a Native American site was brought to North America by European explorers known as the Norse. While the author believes that it is a fake and three reasons, the professor contends that the coin is a real evidence.First of all, the reading holds that the distance from a Norse presence to the coin is too far for the contact between those European explorers and Native Americans to be real. The lecturer, however, refutes that many other objects from distant places have been found at the Native American site, and it is possible for Native Americans to bring objects back to main(Main). Moreover, the writer shows another problem that no other coins have been found at the Canadian sites inhabited by the Norse. On the contrary, to the same problem, the professor points out that no other coins doesn't mean that Norse didn't get along with Native Americans a thousand years ago. Since the Norse didn't make a permanent in Native(North) America, it was for them to pack up all their valuable and took those silver coins with them, which resulted in only one coin found in Native American sites. Finally, the author claims that the coin would be of no use to native North Americans since they didn't recognize silver coins. Yet, the professor casts doubt on this saying by that even though those Native Americans did not the true value of silver coins, those silver coins could still be very appealing for them because of their beauty. In this regard, the Norse could have used those coins to trade with native Americans.这篇综合写作整体而言发挥很棒,除了两处单词问题之外,只有两处听力信息点不全。第二个听力分论点中考生没有提到Norse把coin带回Europe这个点。第三个分论点里面也缺乏一些应有的细节,比如对于coin用途的举例necklaces,jewelry。瑕不掩瑜,还是一篇不错的限时练习文章。教书匠阿伦:TOEFL写作批改合集【综合写作】教书匠阿伦:TOEFL写作批改合集【独立写作】教书匠阿伦:2021年托福独立写作真题汇总教书匠阿伦:2021年托福独立写作真题汇总


曾经做过,不过时间长了,有点想不起来了,我这没找到音频,你传给我吧,听了以后告诉你... 我又听了一遍...男的只给了一个建议,你其实都听出来了。女的well, I will be thinking about trying to play anyway. I mean, I really don't want to let any other group members down. *** doctor says my rest should be feeling better by then. 男的说,oh, so, problem solved,right?女的问题来了,not exactly, i'm worried i'm gonna be out of practise.然后就是你听到了,男的问她有没有人可以代替,她说有一个JIM,不错但是不可靠,老迟到。希望他能准时。你应该建议她在之前在提醒JIM,以确保他会准时参加排练...应该是这样的...希望对你有帮助...





5.托福口语 TPO44 参考答案

Task 3 The proposal is that student committee should be created to decide funding for student . There are two reasons. First, student committee would know better than the about which are most crucial to students and most deserving of financial support from . Second, students will be in serving on the committee and they will gain valuable from the committee. The man disagrees with the proposal for two reasons. First, students in committee cannot be objective and fair as the because they are directly involved in the groups. They may give money to friends' groups or the groups they are in. Second, most students are not in the positions and they are too busy. So, it is to find enough students who are willing to volunteer their time because it is too big of a time . Task 4 Scope creep is the that during the process of a project, clients may ask for more than the business expected to provide and the scope of the project may grow larger than intended. This can cause conflict between and their clients and is common when the terms or of the initial agreement are not clearly defined. The professor gives us an example about his friend. His friend owns a company and takes projects such as making to someone's house or yard. He was hired by a woman to build a wooden fence running all the way around her backyard. They settled on a price for the job quickly with just a verbal agreement and no agreement in writing. When his friend was almost finished building the fence around the woman's yard, the woman told my friend that she wanted the fence painted white. His friend was surprised because he did not think that he had been hired to paint the fence. He told the woman that he had just been hired to build the fence, not paint it. But the woman said she thought when she hired him to build the fence that this also meant the fence would be painted. They ended up arguing and his friend finally agreed to paint the fence without charging extra just to be nice, but he was not happy. Task 5 The problem is that schedules between the woman and her new roommate, Linda, totally conflict. The woman prefers to study late at night but Linda likes to go to sleep early. There are two options. First, the woman could adjust her schedule, start going to bed earlier and study either in the morning or sometime during the day. But she is not really a morning person when it comes to studying and cannot guarantee all the work will be finished on time. Second, she can go to the library to study at night. While, she likes the of her own room and she enjoys the desk chair, books, notes and other stuffs in the room. I would recommend the first solution for two reasons. Study in the library will have a bad influence on her because she will feel without the of her room. Second, it is not difficult for her to change the internal clock. After she changed the internal clock, she can finish she has to do on time. Task 6 There are two benefits of forest fires for animals. First, forest fires can make it easier for predators to find food. Forest fires will force animals out of their hiding places and out into the open. Fleeing animals are much easier to catch for the predator. For example, wild turkeys will go to the edge of a forest fire and wait there in order to catch all the insects running out of the burning forest. It is a much easier way to catch insects than the normal way of pecking for them on the ground. Second, forest fires can help provide a good place for the of young animals and make a harmful more suitable for young animals’ . For example, some trees in the forest are poisonous to beetles. They have a special chemical that keeps beetles away. But after the forest fire, beetles will seek out these trees because the trees are dead and beetles are able to lay their eggs in the trees without being hurt by the chemical. So young beetles can use the trees' until they mature into adult beetles.

6.托福口语 TPO54 参考答案

Task 3 The proposal is that the should make community service, such as working with the local children in town, a mandatory activity for all students before they graduate. There are two reasons. First, it would the between the and the town. Second, during that process, many students would discover a love of service that would inspire them to a lifetime of volunteer work in their future . The man disagrees with the proposal for two reasons. First, it will hurt the between students and the town. Forcing students to volunteer will make them see it as a chore or a nuisance. So, they are not going to put their hearts into it and this will make the look bad. second, many students are likely to come away from the with negative feelings about it. A lot of students already complain about not having enough time. So, this extra work will be a bad for them. It will not inspire them to pursue more volunteer work after they graduate. Task 4 Systems thinking is an approach used by company to solve problem via how the of many different parts of a large system may to a problem. Even though it may produce complex solutions that take a long time to implement, it is an effective way to solve problems and has a greater long-term benefit to the company. The professor gives us an example about himself. He used to work for a . Workers of that were absent a lot. To address this problem, they hired a who began by a lot of the workers, and getting to know more about them. She also other aspects of the company, such as the types of eating and health services. And what the was that many of the employees were missing work because of health problems. Health problems caused by a of factors such as poor eating habits and lack of exercise. The concluded that lack of exercise or healthy meals to the workers’ poor health. So she proposed building a gym within the company office building for employees to use and exercise, and also offering more menu in the cafeteria, which the company did, but it took a while. After a year or so, after the company had time to construct a gym and revise its cafeteria menu, began to improve and continued to improve until it was no longer a problem. Task 6 The 24-hour activity cycle of animal will be by the internal clock and external cues together. Animals do have an internal clock, but external cues are also important. Take flying squirrels for example. Flying squirrels are nocturnal. They are active during the night and sleep during the day. But in the , some of these squirrels were kept in constant darkness. They were not exposed to any daylight for about a month, but they still continue to follow regular cycles of activity and have regular patterns of sleeping and waking. This indicates that animals do having an internal clock which regulates their activity cycles. But the internal clock is not precisely 24 hours long. Instead of following 24-hour cycles, the squirrels followed cycles that were about half an hour shorter. So, every day they woke up a little bit earlier. Without external cues, without sunlight to fine-tune their internal clocks, the squirrels’ cycles drifted. What happened when the squirrels were exposed to daylight again is that their schedules did not match up with the normal day. They were not active during the nighttime as flying squirrels usually are. Instead, they were waking up in the middle of the day. But after a while, the squirrel cycles began to change. Gradually, external cues, the cycle of light and darkness adjusted their internal clocks. , they were brought back into a normal 24-hour schedule.


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